When constructing a building with voids and cavities, it’s crucial to incorporate cavity barriers to effectively halt the unseen spread of fire within concealed cavities. These barriers are typically constructed from a non-combustible material such as Stone Mineral Wool with a metallic foil outer coating.
In the case of rainscreen façade systems where an air gap needs to be maintained within the system to prevent a build-up of damp, full-fill cavity barriers may not be used at horizontal compartment lines. At these points an open-state cavity barrier may be installed. These cavity barriers will also typically be a non-combustible mineral wool, but fitted with an intumescent facing material designed to expand upon exposure to heat or flames, effectively sealing off the cavity. This ensures that fire and smoke cannot permeate between different compartments within the structure. Cavity barriers play a pivotal role in enhancing fire safety measures, safeguarding both property and lives.